Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"I want" in the Kitchen?

After dealing with my children making darting demands in the kitchen, it's not a bad thing that I find myself in the middle of my two children arguing about who is going to pour, stir, and mix.

This "not such a bad thing" took me a while to figure out...but when I compare this same quote "I want!", to say....in the aisle of a store. Well then it takes on a whole new meaning and battle.

But here we are in the kitchen making cookies. Each child wanting to make sure they get a chance to be included.

Here's the solution!

1. Read down the list of ingredients.

2. Get everything out. While you're getting things together. Give each child an ingredient (one for you, one for me).

4. Once you've divided up the items between your children, have each child repeat back what they have.

5. Then read the recipe instructions (make sure you tell your children to listen carefully for their ingredients).

6. Now you're ready to start cooking! Explain that it's the child's job to pay attention and listen to when it's their turn to add an ingredient.

I've attached a quick video of my children telling me which items they will add to the cookies.

Have Fun!

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